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Kessler Crane

Adding and connecting to a Kessler Crane device from the Blue Pill platform

The Blue pill can connect to a Kessler Crane device in two ways, via WiFi or USB. In both cases, there are some special things that needs to be handled for the Blue Pill Core to connect successfully.

First, add your desired device inside the reactor, by clicking the add device and selecting "Add Device Manually". Then search and click add on your desired model.


You should now be prevented with this device config box:


If your config box does not have the "Connection Type" option, please click the save button and wait until you see the device on the left side say "Disconnected" or "Connected". If it's your first time installing the core, it will say "Installing Core" wait for that to finish, then restart reactor to load the new Device Config structure.

Clicking this "running" button will give you the option to restart reactor:

After restarting reactor, click on the device on the left side, and you should now see the "Connection Type" inside the device config popup. Please set this option to your desired setup type and continue the setup below.

Connecting over USB

Connecting over WiFi