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Unable to Update Device Cores/Packages/OS


When trying to do an update or load a new Device Core, Package, or Operating System (update only) an error occurs or the update will not progress. 

Fix 1: Check that the BP has proper access to our servers.

1. Check there is internet connection available for your Blue Pill device

2. For updates the Blue Pill needs to be able to access on https to do updates via port 443 (standard)

3. The Blue Pill also uses a https call to to determine if it can reach the internet, so if that is not possible.

4. The blue Pill also needs to have access to network time via NTP, otherwise it might fail to validate the authenticity of update.

          -NTP requires full bidirectional access to the privileged UDP port 123.
          -The NTP servers we are using are:
Fix 2: Download the cores to load manually onto the Blue Pill from 
1. For connected device related device cores, on, navigateNavigate to the device you are trying to control. Click on Download offline packageSTABLE thisor PRE  will download the latest stable release version, as indicated above the core description. 
stable release version.png
2. To download the latest pre-release version of any device related device core, on, first enable Show Prereleases at the bottom of the page before clicking on the device.  show prerelease version.png
The available offline download will then be the latestor prerelease versionversion, as indicated in the Current version line.number within prerelease version.pngthe parenthesis. 

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 11.35.31 AM.png

2. To download the core packages and OS that make the Blue Pill work, select Other Packages at the bottom of anytop of the  other packages.png

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 11.38.43 AM.png

Both the latest prerelease and stable release are available as options. 
other packages download.png

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 11.39.49 AM.png

The specific version will be in the file name. 
version name.png
4.3. All of the packages are loaded onto the Blue Pill or Blue Pill Inside device via the Packages page. 
packages page redo.png
At the very bottom is an option to Upload and Install Package
manually load.png
Then select the package from your computer for uploading. All packages will be .ipks files except for SkaarOS which will be a .raucb file. If the file names do not have the proper file type extension please and therefor fail to load, please contact 
select package.png
confirm upload.png

Please note: Blue Pill devices running Skaar OS v0.11 or earlier and/or init v0.1.23  or earlier may have trouble loading packages from offline. Please contact support if you experience any difficulty.