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Transition Types
The Transition Types constant set is used with the Panasonic Kairos curated configuration to set ...
Parameter List- How To
How to use the parameter list found on In this example our goal is: Det...
PTZ Control- Example Set Up
In this article we are going to set up a Blue Pill with a PTZ Extreme.This article is also releva...
Switcher Inputs
An example of a switcher inputs selector can be seen below. These can be different depending on t...
General Blue Pill/Reactor Manuals
Links to the full length Blue Pill Reactor Manual and the Getting Started Manuals. The getting st...
Details coming soon.
Routing Panels
An example of a router inputs selector can be seen below. These can be different depending on the...
Tally Forwarding
An example of a Tally Forwarding constant set can be seen below. From here the camera select butt...
Default Username and Password
When you access Reactor (the configuration web page) you are met by a login screen, asking for us...
Disable Authentication
The login screen, where you enter username and password, can be disabled. This removes the need t...
Cameras with Native Thumbnail Support
For cameras that have a native thumbnail preset capture, like the Canon CR-N500 and the Panasonic...