Recently Updated Pages
Parameter List- How To Read
The Parameter List gives a detailed breakdown of all of the supported parameters and the values a...
Reflash Blue Pill devices
If your Blue Pill device has become totally unresponsive - you cannot contact it in any way - the...
Open Sound Control (OSC) is a widely used protocol for controlling all sorts of devices. This is ...
Reset Password
If you have forgotten the username or password for your Blue Pill product you can use one of thes...
Standard Hall Effect Joystick Option ...
Canon PTZ + Cinema Cameras- User Guides
Links to the User Guides for select Skaarhoj Controllers for use with Canon PTZ + Cinema Cameras....
Waves Cloud MX
This guide will show you how to connect a Skaarhoj Waveboard to the Waves Cloud MX mixing platfor...
Virtual Triggers
This documentation might be outdated. Please consult the Reactor manual at https://docs.skaarhoj....
Understanding Flags
This documentation might be outdated. Please consult the Reactor manual at https://docs.skaarhoj....
Raw Panel Mode or Using One Blue Pill Panel as the Main Unit
There are a couple of workflows that require the panel to be set into Raw Panel Mode. This is mai...
Sharing Device Cores Across Different Blue Pills
For some workflows it may be necessary to have a package running on a one Blue Pill and use it on...
This documentation might be outdated. Please consult the Reactor manual at https://docs.skaarho...
Raw Panel Device Core
The Blue Pill device core, core-skaarhoj-rawpanel, is used by an application like Reactor to forw...
Operating Temperatures
Operating Temperature: 0° C to +40° C / +32° F to +104° F Max Internal Temperature: 80°C / 17...
Sony FX6
You can connect to Sony FX6 camera via cabled Ethernet or Wifi. We strongly suggest to use cabled...
Reset and Reboot Procedures
Have you tried turning the device off and on again? Sometimes all that is needed is a reboot. Th...
Stream Deck on Raw Panel
With SKAARHOJs Stream Deck application (xpanel-streamdeck package) you can connect one or more St...
Setup Core-Email
This core will provide you with a quick way to send out emails, from the reactor ecosystem. using...
vMix v25 +
Connecting To vMix v25 For your Blue Pills to control vMix v25 or v226, please check the setting...