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Blue Pill Controller Showing Unknown
If the Blue Pill or Blue Pill Inside controller is showing in the panels sections of the Home scr...
Blue Pill Server
Unlike UniSketch where a change of configuration and included device cores needed an online excha...
Adding Panels
There are two ways a panel can be added, Auto Discover and Manually. Auto Discover Panels can...
Select Mapping
The controller’s layout is determined by the Mapping. In most cases, the Generic mapping is all t...
Adding Devices
There are two main ways a device can be added to a new Blue Pill, Auto Discover and Manually. ...
Populating Constant Sets
The final step is to fill in any constant sets. The constant sets are available based on the chos...
Connecting UniSketch Controllers
The Blue Pill works as a wonderful add-on to connect and control UniSketch controllers like neve...
Unlike UniSketch where a change of configuration and included device cores needed an online excha...
Select Mapping
The controller’s layout is determined by the Mapping. In most cases, the Generic mapping is all t...
Adding Devices
There are two main ways a device can be added to a new Blue Pill, Auto Discover and Manually. ...
Populating Constant Sets
The final step is to fill in any constant sets. The constant sets are available based on the chos...
Watch Youtube videos
In addition to our written guides, you can also watch our Youtube videos on how to get started. ...
Understanding Device Core manuals
Navigating to a Device Manual Device cores manuals can be accessed from your Blue Pill in the D...