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TCP Link for ATEM (on Blue Pill)
The Blue Pill app called dclink-tcp has a special mode to convert the Blackmagic Design ATEM prot...
ISE23 Digital Goody Bag
Here is all you need from our booth! Website - Booklet Booklet download ...
X-keys on Raw Panel
With SKAARHOJ's X-keys application (xpanel-xkeys package), you have the capability to connect one...
Pan/Tilt/Zoom Rocker Sensitivity and Curve Setup
For all our default PTZ configs we have pre-defined up to 4 variables for you to use to tune the ...
Installing a license on your SKAARHOJ controller
If the controller is online If your controller is online and has internet access through its net...
Update Software
Follow this guide to update the Blue Pill software. Blue Pill needs to have internet access T...
Rolling Back Updates
Online Method Rolling back firmware package updates can be down via the Packages page if your de...
Audio Class Configuration
Audio Class configurations are default configurations provided by SKAARHOJ that work with control...
Audio Channel Config
An example of an audio channel config can be seen below. These can be different depending on the ...
Presets Functions
Presets - Generally speaking, presets store and recall parameter values and triggers in Reactor-...
Panel Not Displaying Connected Switcher
If after setting up your controller and connecting it to a switching device, your Skaarhoj panel ...
Unable to Login In
"If you enter the correct username and password, but are left in a loop on the login screen." So...
No Lights on Panel
If your panel is not lighting up as it should, but everything else seems like it is working as ex...
UniSketch Panel Displaying Weird in Simulator Tab
If your UniSketch panel is displaying weird in the Simulator tab, it may be due to old firmware o...
PTZ Extreme - Joystick rotated 90°
A small batch of PTZ Extreme [BPI] have left factory with joystick rotated 90°.The fix for this i...
No Selectable Devices for an Added Device Core
On occasion a supported device is not showing up as an option to add to the Blue Pill panel. In t...
Installing a license on your SKAARHOJ controller
If the controller is online If your controller is online and has internet access through its net...
Crestron Modules (USP) for Raw Panel
With the Raw Panel Dummies application it's possible to generate Crestron USP files for any SKAAR...
Tally-MA on Raw Panel
With SKAARHOJ's Tally-MA application (xpanel-tallyma package), you have the capability to connect...
Quick Class Configurations
Quick Class configurations are parts of a configurations provided by SKAARHOJ that work with a Qu...