Recently Updated Pages
NAB24 Digital Goody Bag
Here is all you need from our booth! Learn more at Booklet D...
Riedel Smartpanel on Raw Panel Protocol
The SKAARHOJ Smartpanel application, also known as xpanel-riedelsmartpanel, allows you to integra...
Touch on Raw Panel
With SKAARHOJ's xpanel-touch package for our controllers, users can create software UIs accessibl...
Using a USB Network Adapters or LTE modems
In some circumstances it might be useful to use a secondary network cable on your BluePill or Blu...
Uploading Device Cores/Packages/OS from Offline
All device cores, packages, and SkaarOS can be loaded from offline onto the Blue Pill. The indivi...
Unable to Update Device Cores/Packages/OS
Scenario: When trying to do an update or load a new Device Core, Package, or Operating System (u...
Uploading Device Cores/Packages/OS from Offline
All device cores, packages, and SkaarOS can be loaded from offline onto the Blue Pill. The indivi...
Ping Tool
Within Blue Pill it is possible to ping devices on the network allowing you to check that they ar...
Switching Projects via external HTTP Request
Reactor allows to switch the current project via an external HTTP POST request.The endpoint used ...
Switching Projects via a Button in Reactor
Reactor allows to switch the current project easily using a button. Please Note, changing the cu...
Check Device Core for Unused Parameters
If you have a Config, and would like to know what parameters aren't mapped to a config, is that e...
Engineering Menu
Intro The engineering menu contains panel settings like, Brightness control and dim/sleep time. ...
Internal Processes Stats
Here you can see what is using the CPU on the device, the internal operating temperature, and mor...
History View
You can access autosaved versions of the configurations. This is useful when a lot of changes hav...
Demo Mode
If you need to test displays and button-lights you can put a Blue Pill device into 'Demo Mode'. ...
HW Event Log
Located on the Tools Page (, th...
Support for RC-SK5
This page will include helpful information for RC-SK5 once the product is shipping. In the meanti...
UniSketch Panel Connections
3G SDI Arduino Shield The 3G SDI Arduino Shield imbedded in UniSketch panels is not compatible w...
Please Note: This page is about the configuration page but is not a guide on how to make an advan...
Device Core Link (DCLink)
The Blue Pill app called dclink-tcp is designed to provide a simple, unified TCP based ASCII inte...